Cashleo Woocommerce Plugin


Cashleo WooCommerce Plugin (WordPress)

The Cashleo WooCommerce plugin (CWP) is a simple and yet an easy to use WordPress payments processor.

With CWP, you’re able to accept payments on your WooCommerce website with Mobile Money (Airtel, MTN), Visa Card and MasterCard.

The plugin is (CWP) FREE and available in the WordPress repository or simply via download from

It also comes works with two other plugins ie: Cashleo Give and Cashleo Pay out

With CWP, you’re able to collect payments from your store and clients via a WordPress WooCommerce enabled website however, for Cashleo Give plugin, you’re able to receive donations from not only WooCommerce enabled websites but just any WordPress website.

And with Cashleo Pay out, you’re able to easily withdraw your collected/accumulated funds from your online wallet (UgMart) into your preferred mobile money (momo) number.

Cashleo WooCommerce Plugin Features

  1. Free to use
  2. Easy integration into any WooCommerce store
  3. Simple and seamless user experience
  4. No annoying paperwork (to receive or to withdraw payments)
  5. A detailed transaction report to keep you (site owner or store manager) up-to-date every 5 mins
  6. Receive and withdraw payments instantly.

How to Install and Use Cashleo WooCommerce Plugin

  1. Log into your WooCommerce store
  2. Navigate to the Plugins area, select >Add New
  3. Download Cashleo WooCommerce (CWP) from and upload it to your Store
  4. Install and activate the CWP
  5. Upon activation, go to the plugin settings (plugins > Cashleo WooCommerce > select: settings)
  6. First, you’ll have to enable the plugin by selecting *Enable Cashleo Payment Gateway
  7. Feel free to enter a custom title and description for your store (visitors and buyers)
  8. Head over to and create an account
  9. Fill in the UgMart Account email, Account password, Collection name and Collection account code (*never share your collection account code)
  10. Save changes

Now you’re able to start receiving payments instantly with Cashleo WooCommerce plugin.

Your client purchase details will be reflected in an automated email via your store and all transaction details will be reflected in the Cashleo transactions table and in WooCommerce. There, you’re able to track the performance your store and sales

All your account / store funds will be reflected in your UgMart account or in the Cashleo Pay out plugin.

What Makes Cashleo WooCommerce Plugin Different

  1. FREE registration, installation and activation all under 10 mins.
  2. A simple and fast online payments processor built to get you and your business going.
  3. Easy and instant funds access and withdraw all time, all day (Mobile money).
  4. Very competitive transaction charges.
  5. FREE all day support.

Signup Today

For Business

  • Head over to
  • Fill in your personal details, username and password
  • A follow up email will be sent to request for your verification.
  • But even before, your account will be activated instantly and start transacting.

For Personal Use

  • Head over to
  • Fill in your personal details, username and password
  • A follow up email will be sent to request for your verification.
  • But even before, your account will be activated instantly and start transacting.

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